DIY: How to Make an Ugly Christmas Sweater

It was 8:00pm, I was already running late and I needed an ugly Christmas sweater for my first ever Ugly Sweater Christmas Party. Ugly sweater parties have become a huge trend in the last little while and even though I am sure I have some ugly sweaters creating dust somewhere, none of them were Christmas themed. So my 2 options were buy an ugly Christmas sweater (that I will probably never wear again), or make one. I went with option number 2!

I used a new sweater that I had bought from Forever 21. Since it was new I didn't glue anything on to the sweater and used safety pins to pin my creation. This way you can take off all the decorations and easily transform your ugly christmas sweater into a regular sweater again.

1. Cut a Christmas tree out of felt.
2. Cut and stick colourful pieces of paper on your tree.
3. Create a cool tree topper, I moulded my 2012 out of pipe cleaner.
4. Use some of that Christmas ribbon lying around and decorate your tree.
5. Add pom poms, because pom poms are always fun.
6. Pin all your festive tree to your sweater.

{pics by moi}
Thanks for reading!
xo Andrea


  1. Haha! Why ugly? I would say quirky ;D after all it is a cute sweater in my opinion :)

    Kisses and hugs from :


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