Under an Umbrella

Jacket: Forever 21, Top: Wet Seal, Scarf: Forever 21,Pants: Target, Boots: Outlet store in Australia
 99% of the time in Vancouver it's raining! Ok well that's not completely true, we do get a few sunny days here and there (only when the sun god's take pity on us). So what that usually means is that an umbrella is a staple in any Vancouverites wardrobe. To be completely honest I don't really like carrying an umbrella around, rain jackets are more my thing. But when you are rocking a cute outfit, layer up, put some warm socks on, grab that huge umbrella and be confident in the fact that 90% of your outfit will not get soaked. Hopefully!

Pictures by the lovely Julia
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
xo Andrea


  1. I love your bright Cobalt pants!! Beautifully sets off the rest of the black & white pieces! :)

  2. Amazing look! KIsses.

  3. Hiiii Andrea! Such a fabulous blog. You're such a cutie! I just realized that it's been too long since we've seen each other (Andrea's birthday in the summer?) but hey, we can keep in touch now via blogs. lol ;)

    Ain't that the truth about the weather. What bloggers will do for their posts, eh...!


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